Thursday, March 19, 2020

Five Unique Teachings of the Noble Quran

A presentation of the myriad of teachings contained in the Noble Quran could most likely fill up countless volumes of manuscripts. Quran is the speech of Allah SWT, for which He testifies: Say, "If the sea were ink for [writing] the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even if We brought the like of it as a supplement.
"(Quran 18:109) So, 

What are the teachings of the Quran?

Every single Quranic teaching incorporates a moral lesson that has the inherent potential to change lives and stir souls. Even the hardest of hearts have been moved by God’s personal message to mankind. This is an attempt to present five unique teachings of the Noble Quran. Some of the choicest lessons have been carefully selected to inspire readers. For perhaps they may reconsider their priorities and objectives in life.
Quran Teaching

A Categorical Rejection of all Religions except for Islam

"And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." (Quran 3:85)
This introductory teaching presents an authoritative verse informing mankind of Allah’s decisive preference for Islam. It renders null and void, all other past religions. Although it is clearly a dire warning to people who opt for different paths. Within it, is also found, a subtle reminder to those Muslims who take their religion lightly. 
Islam is a divinely ordained way of life, which is meant to be lived on Allah’s terms. The Muslim label is not just a sticker we put on a car or a badge that we wear for identification. It is, instead, a call to action! Merely calling ourselves Muslims and professing faith in Islam, without acting according to its beautiful and beneficial teachings, is like having a mind but refusing to think.
Online Quran Teaching

Of what good then is a dormant and unproductive faith? One that, while testifying to God’s existence, hopelessly fails to acknowledge His Omnipotence through servitude, clearly lacking the constant desire to please the Almighty, through obedience and submission to His beautiful & wise commands.
Such faith is rather, a languishing one that only serves to distance man from his beloved Creator. In light of the moral lesson in this poignant verse, it is inevitable that we ask ourselves: “When Allah has promised to derail all other rejected paths in the Afterlife, in which direction are we headed?”

Man’s Superiority is only by Virtue of Righteousness (Taqwa)

“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” (Quran 49:13)

What we look like, our gender, and which family we are born into, is solely in accordance with Allah's choice and decision. We have no say in the matter. This is also why Allah SWT will not judge us for our appearance or possessions. He has, however, granted each of us a free-will to obey or disobey Him. 

Owing to which, He will rightfully judge our actions and intentions. This was further endorsed by Allah's Messenger (PBUH): Verily Allah does not look to your faces and your wealth, but He looks to your heart and your deeds. (Muslim 2564)

A Muslim’s righteousness is declared the only accurate measure of his superiority over anyone else. We should, therefore, strive to be someone first in Allah's Eyes. To be this best version of ourselves, we must be Muslims in both word and deed. This Quranic teaching is central to man’s understanding of himself.

In Response to the Myth that ‘Islam Endorses Terrorism’

"...that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind..."  (Quran 5:32)

The teaching in this verse debunks the popular world-view of Islam being terrorism-friendly. For a religion that forbids the harming of an innocent, that is quite a farfetched accusation.
The following rules for warfare set by the Prophet (PBUH), further confirm this: "Go out in the name of God and do not kill any old man, infant, child or woman. Spread goodness and do good for God loves the doers of good."

Is it possible for a religion in which a prostitute was promised Paradise for quenching a dog’s thirst, to be a promoter of violence? On the contrary, Islamic compassion considers something as trivial as removing a stone from someone’s path, a charitable act.

Even a fleeting look at the benevolent life of the Prophet (PBUH), is enough to dispel such bigoted claims. The man sent as ‘mercy to all mankind’ could never have propagated, enacted or approved of violent faith. The central teaching of this very telling Quranic verse is indeed a slap in the face of Islam’s vilest foes.

Quranic Teachings on the Status of Women

"And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer – those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged (even as much as) the speck on a date seed." (Quran 4:124)

What does the Quran teach about the treatment of women? The answer to this may surprise many. The teaching found in the verse itself demonstrates flawless equity displayed by a Just God.

It must be said here that in the Pre-Islamic era, the Arabs (and the rest of the world) used to treat their women-folk as property. Unwanted and easily dispensable. Baby girls would be buried alive. Women could be bought and sold. In more explicit terms, women were treated like cattle.

Islamic teachings addressed this injustice to perfection:

It was declared that a mother's right to be loved, served, and honored by her children, is three times greater than the father's. It was also made abundantly clear that Paradise lay beneath her feet. A coveted place earned by cherishing her. Children were instructed not to utter even an 'Uff' to either parent.

Wives were granted complete freedom from material responsibility. Husbands would be their protectors and providers. No marriage contract would be written without the woman’s consent. And once married, it was her right to be clothed and fed by her husband, with kindness. Her wealth, on the other hand, was forbidden to him.

Islamic Shariah derived from the Quran and Sunnah dictated: that every sister, niece, or aunt, is to be looked after by the men of her household. Even the right to inherit was granted to Muslim women almost 1500 years ago. Unsurprisingly, it was allowed to women in the West and elsewhere, many centuries later. The Quran teaching highlighted by this verse concurs with the equitable treatment of women.

A Reminder that it is Impossible for Man, to Enumerate Allah’s Bounties

"If you were to count God's favors, you would not be able to number them; most surely, humanity is very unjust, very ungrateful." (Quran 14:34)
The beautiful Quranic teaching of this verse reminds every heedless man of the countless blessings that he receives but fails to acknowledge. Allah is not a partisan God, so when it comes to giving, not even a disbeliever is denied them.

From the mansions, limousines, and bulging bank accounts, to the needle and the shoelaces that man may possess, he owes thanks to Allah SWT. Hearing, sight, intellect, and free-will that he savors are also from amongst God’s continual bounties.

The treasures of health, wealth, well-being, and success, likewise, are blessings beyond compare. While using Allah’s bounties in excellent and lawful ways, is a way of expressing gratitude, their abuse makes one an ingrate. So, if a wealthy Muslim saves a portion of his wealth for the poor, he is considered a grateful servant of Allah. Gratitude is more than merely saying ‘Alhamdulillah,’ it is instead, shown best through acts of obedience.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

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Monday, March 2, 2020

Asma-ul-Husna (99 Names of Allah)

Backbiting One of the Gravest Sin In Islam

“O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.” (Quran 49:12). Allah likens the act of backbiting, to consuming the flesh of one’s dead brother in the Quran. This shows us in simple terms, the gravity of this sin in Islam.
What is backbiting and how to prevent it

Backbiting, also known as “gheebah” in Arabic and gheebat” in Urdu, is of the most heinous sins. There are extensive verses and traditions in the Holy Quran and Prophetic Hadith about it. An extremely repulsive act to partake in, backbiting also has severe consequences for a person, with Allah detailing the various types of strict punishments for people who engage in it.

The danger of backbiting is that it is one of the easiest sins to commit for a Muslim. We may not always even be aware of when we are doing it. Talking behind others’ backs is something that has become very prevalent nowadays. Thus, it is almost seen as something normal. Muslims have to ensure that they are aware regarding this and refrain from engaging in it as much as possible.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “During the Mi'raj (the Night of Ascension), I saw a group of people who were scratching their chests and faces with their copper nails. I asked, ‘Who are these people, O Jibril?’ Jibril replied: ‘These are the people who ate the flesh of others (by backbiting) and trampled people's honor.’” (Sunan Abi Dawud)

Methods of backbiting

This evil act can be perpetrated in several ways. Many commonly accepted forms of speech in society nowadays amount to backbiting.

The primary and most prevalent form of gheebah is talking about a person in a negative way behind their backs. If this would offend him if he were present, then it’s a form of backbiting. Comments about one’s appearance, habits, choices, lifestyle, work, relatives, or anything of the sort can be deemed gheebah. 

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Backbiting implies your talking about your brother in a manner which he does not like.” (Sahih Muslim)
Backbiting is most often done in gatherings. However, it may also be committed in writing, e.g., over the internet, such as via social media. Mocking and insulting people are examples of this sinful act. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “If (that failing) is actually found (in him) what you assert, you, in fact, backbit him, and if that is not in him, it is a slander.” (Sahih Muslim)
Hence, we can see that many forms of negative talk about people while they are not present constitute gheebat. There are some subtle forms of this sin also, that should be avoided. For example, exposing someone’s sins with the pretense of doing it to oppose the sin, while in reality, the aim is to show that the person committing it is in the wrong. 

Another way that people convince themselves about this is when they share information on someone’s actions then advocate that the action is wrong; if the aim were to focus on the action, then it would be wiser to not focus on a specific person.

Causes of backbiting

This problem is often developed at a young age. It begins with parents and family members engaging in the act. Hence, a child sees it as something normal and slowly begins to adopt it, not realizing its sinfulness. So, if a child isn’t raised according to Islamic values, there is a high chance of him developing this trait.

Another problem that can cause this is bad company. This can happen during one’s childhood, all the way to old age. Backbiting is a widespread sin, even amongst Muslims who don’t realize its depravity. Even Muslims with a good upbringing can fall into this since the methods of committing gheebah can be subtle. Peer pressure may also play a role. The characteristics of those around them easily influence humans.

Socializing is another seemingly innocent occupation that can have dire consequences with backbiting. Gossiping is one of the most common methods of backbiting. Often, people gather together and have no other form of discussion for “entertainment” other than running people down or discussing their faults. This form of “entertainment” is entirely impermissible.
One more cause of gheebat is being arrogant, or jealous and envious of others. Arrogance makes people develop a superiority complex, whereby they feel that others are inferior beings. That, in turn, makes people think that it’s OK to speak ill of someone else. Jealousy of other people can also cause bitterness in humans, which may also result in backbiting.
In some cases, gheebah may simply be due to a person’s lack of knowledge of Islam and its values. Therefore, they can improve after being taught. Alternatively, it can be due to a lack of faith. In such cases, it’s essential to work on building up a person’s emaan.

When backbiting is permitted

One of the cases where it’s permissible to speak about someone’s sins or defects is when they publicize the matter themselves. For example, someone who is guilty of consuming haram things and does not attempt to hide it. In such a case, the person himself has publicized his haram action. Hence, there is no harm in talking about it without mentioning any other things that may not be publicly known.

Another case where gheebah is allowed is when someone is applying for a job or getting married. In such cases, a person who knows the potential employee or spouse can inform the concerned persons about his/her shortcomings. This is not considered as talking behind someone’s back – instead, it is a way of protecting Muslims. It is in everyone’s interests for the community to be safe.

When a person is oppressing someone, it is perfectly fine for the oppressed person (and others in the know) to complain to those in authority. The oppressor’s poor qualities can be highlighted to strengthen the case. The aim here is for the oppressed person to get justice and for the oppression to come to an end. As a result, it’s a praiseworthy cause.

Speaking behind someone’s back is also allowed when the discussion aims to help that person. So, a sinner’s sins can be discussed, if the point of the discussion is how to help him stop committing that sin. It is also permissible when the person is committing a sin which has the potential to harm others. Hence, it will be a type of warning.

In all these cases, it is usually sins and a person’s actions that are the focus. It is never permissible to make fun of someone’s looks, etc.

Ways to inhibit backbiting

This category of the topic is closely related to the “causes of backbiting” section. Essentially, we have to make sure that the cause is stopped. Hence, for parents, the most important thing is to make the child aware of the gravity of the sin from a young age. We must also ensure that we are careful ourselves, and are not mistakenly engaging in it.

Another critical factor in stopping this act from occurring is to be mindful of the company we keep. It is almost impossible to be friendly and close to sinful people who aren’t mindful of this act themselves while refraining from it. Prevention is better than cure. So, we need to avoid groups of gossip and negativity, as well as people who are likely to engage in this activity.

Another method for us to improve on this front is to ensure we have adequate Islamic education on the topic. Many of us don’t know the gravity of backbiting and take it lightly. It’s imperative to know about it, such as the Quranic verse about “eating the flesh of one’s dead brother.”

To avoid backbiting, we must also build up our own character. We must not look at others with envy. We should always be content with Allah’s decree and not worry about what blessings others may have. The constant drive for self-improvement should be there, and not talking ill of others should be a top priority.

Finally, we must also keep our own flaws in mind. We all have problems and weaknesses; how would we feel if someone spoke about them behind our backs? The Prophet (PBUH) said, “He who believes in Allah and the Last Day must either speak good or remain silent.” (Sahih Muslim)

Seeking forgiveness

If the evil deed is already done, then we must focus on repentance. “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” (Quran 39:53). All sins besides shirk can be forgiven by Allah, since He is al-Ghafoor, i.e., The All-Forgiving.

The most important thing for a regretful person to do is first to stop committing the sin. Then, he should have remorse for having done it and develop a firm resolve not to commit it again. Beseeching Allah for forgiveness is a must. The ideal time to do this is during sujood/sajdah of the daily prayers.

He should also ask for forgiveness from the person whom he has wronged if the person is aware of what he has done. If the person doesn’t know about the evil deed, then the backbiter should remain quiet. Instead, he should pray for the person who he spoke ill of and ask Allah to bless him.

“The Messenger of Allah passed by two new graves, and he said: ‘They are being punished, but they are not being punished for anything major. One of them was heedless about preventing urine from getting on his clothes, and the other used to walk about spreading malicious gossip.’” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

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