Thursday, December 19, 2019

Importance of Reading the Quran with Tajweed

Quran descended upon the heart of our beloved Prophet (SAW) by Allah Almighty in the Arabic language. The Arabic language is rich in vocabulary. One word carries a different meaning in different places. Just with the twist of the tongue, one word can be taken with a different meaning. The rules of following to read the Quran with its true essence are called Tajweed. 


Learn to recite Quran Tajweed

Quran is the word of Allah Almighty; it cannot be read like an ordinary book. A person has to perform ablution before touching or reciting the Holy Quran. Also, the Quran is recited with accurate rules of Tajweed with which a person not only misses the true meaning of the words but also he is considered sinful. Tajweed is a set of rules on how to recite the Arabic words accurately. You need to be willing to learn the rules of Tajweed accurately. With Tajweed, you pronounce the Arabic words with complete accuracy. Also, the recitation of the Holy Quran becomes very impressive when you follow Tajweed rules. 

How toread the Quran correctly

To seek guidance from the Holy Quran, you need to learn the Quran accurately. Without learning Tajweed, you cannot follow the true meaning of an Arabic word or a holy verse (Ayah). When you cannot follow the true meaning or essence of a holy verse, how will you be able to follow the command of Allah Almighty? The holy Prophet (SAW) stressed the need for Tajweed to learn Quran correctly. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) has asked us to recite the Quran with a beautiful voice. The Quran can only be read with a beautiful voice when we recite it with the correct rules of Tajweed. 
However, the rules of Tajweed are taught at the beginning when you go to learn the Quran. The Tajweed starts from the Naurani Qaida in which you learn the Arabic alphabet, and you also learn how to raise the voice on a certain word. Similarly, you learn how to lower the voice while reading a certain word. Also, you come to know how to twist the tongue while pronouncing a certain word. This is Tajweed that teaches you how to pronounce the holy verses of the Quran seek their true meaning. You need to learn to recite Tajweed. 

Recite the Quran with Tarteel

Our beloved Prophet (SAW) has asked the Muslims to recite the Quran with Tarteel; in other words, the Quran has to be recited with proper order without and haste. The flow of language should not be disturbed while pronouncing an Arabic word or Ayah. When you recite the Quran with Tarteel, you recite the Quran in an accurate order, along with producing a beautiful voice. The listener goes under the influence of your voice while you recite the holy Quran with Tarteel. 

Recite the Quran with Tajweed

To understand the Quran in the right way, you need to learn the classic Tajweed rules and advanced Tajweed rules. You must recite the Quran with Tajweed. 

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